Perkins-Cullum House
Address: 510 Greene Street
Owner: Privately Owned
History and Significance:
This large residential home was built circa 1901 by Henry C. Perkins, who was president of Perkins Manufacturing Company and Augusta Sash and Door. Mr. Perkins was in the lumber business and built this excellent example of a Colonial Revival style house with only the best lumber. After his death the residence became the home of his daughter, Gertrude, and her husband St. Julian Cullum, who was the proprietor of Saxon-Cullum Shoe Company and later of Cullum’s Department Store. The home is located near the corner of 5th and Greene Streets and sitting at the stop light you may notice the extensive decorative wood moldings and trim that surround the windows and doors and under the eaves. Although many former homes that once lined Greene Street have been lost, the Perkins-Collum House remains as an impressive reminder of the grandeur of one of the South’s most impressive boulevards.
Threat: Development pressure from Municipal Building campus
Potential Uses: Single family residence, income producing residential units, meeting facility, community center, offices
Preservation Tools: (1); A contributing resource in the Augusta Downtown Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and is therefore eligible for all programs of the National Register which include available grant funds and tax incentives for certified rehabilitations; (2) located in the Augusta Downtown Local Historic District which means that any alteration to the exterior, including demolition, should be approved by the Augusta Richmond County Historic Preservation Commission