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Rev. C. T. Walker House, 1011 Laney-Walker Blvd., listed 2009


Historic Augusta purchased the nationally significant Rev. Charles T. Walker House through our revolving fund in November 2016 and has been working to stabilize the property and begin rehabilitation.  Historic Augusta received a grant from the Johanna Favrot Fund of the National Trust for Historic Preservation for architectural planning.  We are very happy to report that the house has electricity and has had years of debris and trash removed from the interior.  2KM Architects has  prepared the as-built measured floor plans and conditions report for Historic Augusta and the C.T. Walker House subcommittee chaired by John Williams is reviewing the stabilization plans also completed by 2KM Architects to begin phased rehabilitation of the exterior of the house.  We are pleased to announce that Historic Augusta received a grant from the Watson-Brown Foundation Junior Board to assist with the roofing component of the stabilization and has selected a contractor to perform the work. We look forward to working with our local partner for the project, Laney Walker Development Corporation. Stay Tuned!