McNatt-Green-Burdell House
Bath Community near Blythe, South Richmond County
Owner: Privately Owned
The Threat: This historic resource is secluded in South Augusta on private property. While the family
members maintain the property, the overall plan for preservation, rehabilitation, and interpretation has
not been developed leaving the property vulnerable and threatened.
Some History: Nestled in South Augusta in Bath, also known as Richmond Bath, the McNatt house is an
excellent example of surviving antebellum architecture in the Central Savannah River Area. The
community of Bath is so named because of the mineral spring located near the original town site.
Prominent Augustans frequented the springs and subsequently many buildings were constructed,
including the McNatt House, built by Adam McNatt a wealthy planter from Burke County. A quote from
A Lost Arcadia, My Story of My Old Community, described the allure of Richmond Bath and the homes
there as an escape to “balmy, resineous, and germless air”. The McNatt home is just one of many
features including formal gardens, architectural follies, Bath Presbyterian Church, and lodge all found in
the area.
Preservation Solution: Not currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places, but efforts are
ongoing. Listing would enable owners to utilize state and federal certified rehabilitation tax credits for
rehabilitation of the house. A preservation easement to protect the property in perpetuity.
Documentation and historic research is ongoing with a small group of volunteers working to implement
a marketing campaign and strategic planning for the buildings and gardens at the site.