Squeaky\’s Tip Top
2570 Central Avenue
Owner: Privately Owned
The Threat: The building is vacant and suffers from deferred maintenance. Location along a significant
gateway corridor may leave it vulnerable to development pressures along Central Avenue.
Some History: Arguably a very recognizable neighborhood landmark in the Summerville Historic
District, the Tip Top Grill first appears in the City Directories in 1938 and first shows on the Sanborn Fire
Insurance map in 1951 with the street number of 2596 Central Avenue. The exterior materials and
features are in keeping with other modest historic resources in the neighborhood built in the first half of the twentieth century. The Summerville District is known for large, high style residences which are a
large percentage of the nearly 1,500 historic resources that were surveyed and documented between
2012 and 2015. The commercial buildings clustered along Central Avenue and Monte Sano are all
significant for their architectural and developmental contributions to the district.
Preservation Solutions: As a contributing structure in the Summerville Historic District, certified
rehabilitation tax credits at the state and federal levels could be applied for in addition to the property
tax abatement program. Included in the Summerville Local Historic District means that all proposed
exterior alterations, additions, or demolition must be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission
to protect the property’s character and integrity.