What We Do
Our Mission is to Preserve and Protect Historic Buildings in Augusta Georgia.

The mission of Historic Augusta, Inc. is to preserve historically or architecturally significant sites in Augusta and Richmond County, Georgia.
This mission is accomplished in many ways, including identifying significant historic resources in the community, educating the general public about their importance, and assisting others in preserving historic properties. We work with local, state and federal government to protect historic buildings, sites and districts. In some cases we assist in the sale of historic buildings to preservation minded owners, and in rare instances we take title to endangered historic properties until a plan for their preservation can be secured.
Historic Augusta, Inc. is a private, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the preservation of the historic built environment of Augusta and Richmond County, Georgia. Chartered in 1965, the organization has approximately 1,500 members. In the fall of 2004 the offices of the organization moved to the historic Joseph R. Lamar Boyhood Home at 415 Seventh Street. The Lamar House is next door to another property owned by Historic Augusta, the Boyhood Home of President Woodrow Wilson at 419 Seventh Street. [See www.wilsonboyhoodhome.org]
Some programs & services offered by Historic Augusta include:
Preservation Assistance – We advise owners of historic buildings about proper preservation techniques and sources and assist private property owners with applications for National Registration, historic preservation tax incentives and other paperwork that will lead to preservation of their property.
Advocacy – Historic Augusta serves as the voice and watch dog for preservation interests. Whenever an historic building is threatened by demolition, we intercede to try and prevent it from happening. Historic Augusta also encourages the preservation of historic buildings by other groups and individuals and works with them toward this end.
Historic Structures Survey – Thousands of buildings in the community that contribute to the historic character in their respective neighborhood have been identified and compiled. This process is ongoing, with information on historic buildings maintained in our files.
Preservation Programs – Held periodically to educate members and the public about historic preservation and related disciplines. Some programs have been on architects, gardens, antiques, preservation of religious structures. Periodically our programs are co-sponsored by regional and national preservation organizations. One of the most popular recent programs has been our “Peep ‘n Eat” series, where members are invited to an informal tour of one to three historic buildings during lunchtime.
Annual Meeting – Held each year when new officers and trustees are elected and annual preservation awards are presented.
Historic Augusta Antiques and Wine Auction – This is our major fund-raising event held in the fall. Quality antiques and fine wine are auctioned while patrons enjoy a gala party while sampling the best of Augusta’s restaurants and caterers.
Historic Augusta’s Cotton Ball – An annual membership party held in a location that highlights Augusta’s history each spring.
Historic Augusta Newsletter – Published quarterly, the newsletter informs members, media and others about preservation activities in Augusta and the organization’s activities.
Annual Preservation Awards – Recognizes individuals and restoration and rehabilitation projects that have contributed significantly to historic preservation in Augusta-Richmond County and have exemplified the goals of Historic Augusta.

Benefits of Membership
As a member of Historic Augusta, Inc., you will receive a quarterly newsletter apprising you of the latest in historic preservation projects in Augusta and Richmond County an invitation to the annual meeting and special events, including The Cotton Ball and the Antiques Show and Sale. Each accelerated membership level adds a valuable premium to your membership.
Join today to help preserve the rich heritage of the past for the future. Your support will assist our efforts to preserve a legacy of history and architecture in Augusta and Richmond County.